League of Legends LOL the Sinister Blade Katarina Short Sleeve Cotton T-Shirt I
Model: League of Legends 648
Shipping Weight: 0.3kg
246 Units in Stock
We supplies a great selection of league of legends merchandise,more information at here.
League of Legends LOL Q EZ Ezreal Phone Case for iPhone4/4S
This is a Q EZ Ezreal phone case for iPhone4/4s. If you own an iPhone4/4s, you don't want to miss this great Caitlyn case. Even if you don't have iphone, it's also a perfect gift for your friends.. |
Model: League of Legends 427
Shipping Weight: 0.3kg
633 Units in Stock
League of Legends LOL PVC Teemo Wukong Rammus Action Figure
Model: League of Legends 805
Shipping Weight: 0.5kg
659 Units in Stock
League of Legends LOL Ruthless Pantheon action figure
This hand-made figure takes 3 to 7 days to make.A cool item to add in your League of Legends Collection. League of Legends LOL Ruthless Pantheon action figure | Model: League of Legends 014 | Shipping Weight: 0.5kg | 874 Units in Stock |
League of Legends LOL Miss Fortune LOL Miss Fortune Pillow
Model: League of Legends 1297
Shipping Weight: 0.5kg
317 Units in Stock
It takes us 2 to 3 days to print the pillow. Please notice that the pillow is one-side print, the other side is blank. It is very cozy and warm. Reasonable Price with good quality. Keep up and get one! We support worldwide delievery.
League of Legends LOL Ezreal Short Sleeve Cotton T-Shirt VII
League of Legends LOL Ezreal Short Sleeve Cotton T-Shirt VII
Model: League of Legends 149
Shipping Weight: 0.3kg
405 Units in Stock
Demacia lol shop
Along the western coast of Valoran, the human city-state of Demacia shines as the continent’s paragon of virtue amongst all the other human settlements. The people of Demacia are driven by their common cause to disseminate benevolence and justice for the betterment of all beings throughout Valoran. They view malice and selfishness as a disease which should be expunged from the psyche of humankind. Those who come to Demacia and choose to settle within the borders of the city-state are expected to share the ideals and virtues of its citizenry. Those who seek personal gain at the expense of others quickly find themselves ostracized… or worse.Life in Demacia, however, isn’t one of placid utopian dreams. Since the Demacian people pride themselves as the moral vanguards of Valoran, they adopt seemingly draconian measures to ensure that their moral code remains the only code by which one may live within the city-state. Crime in any form is harshly punished; there are no misdemeanors within Demacia. Some detractors of Demacia (who criticize far from the reaches of the city-state) claim this as proof of its inherent hypocrisy. Demacians counter this argument by pointing out that their justice system incorporates benevolence and mitigation into its verdicts. No one is punished without fair and just consideration of the circumstances involved. While others may continue to criticize the harshness of Demacian law, the Demacians stand by their convictions.
Demacia is the only government in Valoran run by a constitutional monarchy, wherein the King of Demacia serves as the head of state and an elected council serves as the legislative body. While the king is a strong ruler, he is kept in check at least partially by the Demacian Council. The current King of Demacia, Jarvan III (a.k.a. Jarvan Lightshield the Third), works earnestly with the Demacian Council to ensure that the sanctity of the city-state remains pure and true. Since the rule of Jarvan I, there has never been an attempted coup or rebellion of any kind in Demacia. The king serves not only as the political leader of the city-state, but also as the commander-in-chief of its military.The Demacian military is one of the strongest in all of Valoran, and until recently it was the only force capable of holding back the hunger of the military machine that is Noxus. Noxus has been the sworn enemy of Demacia since both settlements were founded hundreds of years ago. Their conflict is at the core a moral one, and with such a night-and-day division of moral philosophy amongst Demacia and Noxus, it is not hard to see why Demacia views its military requirements as a vital necessity to survival. Every Demacian citizen is required to serve in its military for no fewer than three years. Even after this time, most Demacians remain on active status in the city-state’s military reserve.Demacia was one of the first supporters of the League of Legends, though its concerns were less for the planet’s stability and more to diminish the Noxian threat to Valoran. Demacia sent its best students of magic to the Institute of War, with some of them becoming master summoners. Demacia holds its own in the Fields of Justice, and this has subsequently eased the massive expenditure of resources otherwise needed to maintain its military force. The post-League Demacian military is as strong as ever, though it has shifted its focus from that of a standing invasion force, ready to re-conquest Noxian acquisitions, to that of an impenetrable bastion, secure and vigilant across its entire dominion.Demacia is a shining beacon of hope for humanity, and as such the city is the visual representation of this concept. There is a clean and pristine feel and look to the city. Towering spires litter the skyline of Demacia. White stone and marble are the materials of choice in the construction of Demacian buildings. Majestic flags fly high along the parapets of the city. The city walls virtually gleam with power and nobility. The city itself sits next to a natural port, with the majority of the city resting on a plateau.

League of Legends LOL Handmade Lightweight Clay Astronaut Teemo Action Figure
League of Legends LOL Heimerdinger the Revered Inventor Action Figure Lightweight Clay Handmade
League of Legends LOL Morgana Action Figure Lightweight Clay Handmade
This hand-made figure takes 3 to 7 days to make.A cool item to add in your League of Legends Collection |
League of Legends LOL Lightweight Clay Handmade Rammus Action Figure
This hand-made figure takes 3 to 7 days to make.A cool item to add in your League of Legends Collection. |
League of Legends LOL Varus the Arrow of Retribution Blight Crystal Varus mouse pad
We make more brand new designs of mouse pads according to the fashion trend. The printed pictures are high-definition, high-fidelity and have the following features:
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3 .Although they don't have stickiness of the reclaimed rubber mouse pads, the underside of our mouse pad has high coefficient of friction so that they can grasp any kind of desktop.
4. The color of the surface won't affect the precise positioning of the fidelity mouse. Besides, the pad is soft and elastic; it's comfortable to use as well as protect your wrist.
5. Our mouse pads can be personalized; you can choose your own favorable picture to print.
Special silky surface, more precise mouse positioning, HD effect, extra large vision and move space.This product is the best natural rubber cloth cover mouse pad at present.We promise that our mouse pads won't fade and always stay in the original color.
We make more brand new designs of mouse pads according to the fashion trend. The printed pictures are high-definition, high-fidelity and have the following features:
1. Mouse pad is made of natural rubbers instead of reclaimed rubbers.
2. Gorgeous colors and the HD effects make sure it won't lose the fidelity. Our mouse pads are so much better than the average batch printing mouse pads that they can be washed over and over again and still stay in the original color.
3 .Although they don't have stickiness of the reclaimed rubber mouse pads, the underside of our mouse pad has high coefficient of friction so that they can grasp any kind of desktop.
4. The color of the surface won't affect the precise positioning of the fidelity mouse. Besides, the pad is soft and elastic; it's comfortable to use as well as protect your wrist.
5. Our mouse pads can be personalized; you can choose your own favorable picture to print.
Special silky surface, more precise mouse positioning, HD effect, extra large vision and move space.This product is the best natural rubber cloth cover mouse pad at present.We promise that our mouse pads won't fade and always stay in the original color.
League of Legends LOL Dreadknight Garen Action Figure Lightweight Clay Handmade
League of Legends LOL Annie Tibbers Pillow
League of Legends LOL Annie Tibbers Pillow
League of Legends Teemo Plush Hat cosplay
This League of Legends Teemo Plush Hat is very warm. If you are intrested in cosplaying Teemo, this hat is a must-have item for you.Head circumference:57~62cm It's all the rage among LOL fans.Reasonable Price with good quality. Keep up and get one! We support worldwide delievery.
League of Legends Teemo Plush Hat cosplay
League of Legends LOL Sad Amumu Plush Toy
Specification: about 35cm. This Amumu plush toy is newly designed with the tears on his face.Free shipping for the Amumu fans, we may increase the price at any time, place an order for the cheap price.Perfect and adorable gift. Amumu is crying, don't leave hime alone;take him home.
League of Legends LOL Sad Amumu Plush Toy
League of Legends LOL Sad Amumu Plush Toy
League of Legends LOL Lightweight Clay Handmade Rammus Action Figure
This hand-made figure takes 3 to 7 days to make.A cool item to add in your League of Legends Collection.
The action figure at http://www.lolkey.com/league-of-legends-lol-lightweight-clay-handmade-rammus-action-figure-p-3058.html
The action figure at http://www.lolkey.com/league-of-legends-lol-lightweight-clay-handmade-rammus-action-figure-p-3058.html
Located on the far central eastern part of the Valoranian continent, the human city-state of Noxus is in many ways the moral antithesis of Demacia; it is a settlement where the physically and mentally strong acquire power through any means necessary, regardless of the consequences to their fellow humans. The citizenry of Noxus generally stands behind this principle, regarding the qualities of benevolence and compassion as signs of weakness. Strength begets strength, at least as far as the humans of Noxus are concerned. This seeming cruelty, however, is not an indicator of chaos. As is naturally and necessarily the case with humankind, Noxus is an orderly city-state, where rules protect the citizenry from harm… at least from their peers. In Noxus, however, those with power are clearly protected by the law more than those without it.lolkey
The ruling political organization of Noxus is called the Noxian High Command, and it acts as the head of the military. In Noxus, the military controls every aspect of the political landscape; there is no separation between the warfare and politics. The eternally youthful-looking leader of the High Command, General Boram Darkwill, has ruled Noxus for countless years. General Darkwill has far exceeded his average lifespan as a human; it is rumored that he is kept alive through necromantic magic. Such a conclusion would seem to make sense, especially when considering that he has ruled the Noxian High Command since before the time of King Jarvan I of Demacia. His seemingly endless hunger for power and conquest has driven Noxus to be the nightmarish threat to its neighbors that it is today.
Where other human settlements tend to welcome non-humans into their midst, Noxians are decidedly xenophobic. Non-humans are, at best, made to feel unwelcome within the borders of this city-state. There are exceptions to this, but only after the non-humans in question have proven themselves to be either useful or feared (or both). Human visitors and emigrants to Noxus are made to feel only slightly better, again proving themselves only by either demonstrating competence or inspiring terror in their enemies.
Military service in Noxus is compulsory for a period of six years, with all of its citizens retained as active reservists until their golden years. The Noxian High Command reserves the right to draft any of its citizens, regardless of age, into military service in times of dire need. Active Noxian military personnel are afforded a higher level of citizenship in Noxian society, and it is not uncommon for most citizens to remain active in the military for ten or more years. There is seldom a lack of work in the Noxian military, even with the forced quasi-peace that exists between Noxus and their eternal rivals, the Demacians.
The Noxian High Command strategically elected not to oppose the formation of the League of Legends, and even went as far as to give tepid support for its activities. It was clear to Valoran’s power brokers that Noxus could read the writing on the wall; to oppose the League, especially with the vast majority of Valoran behind its formation, would have been tantamount to suicide. By supporting its formation, Noxus achieved two ends. First, Noxus would have some degree of forced peace between itself and Demacia. This would allow Noxus to focus its efforts on conquest elsewhere; its track record in this conquest since the formation of the League, however, has been considerably underwhelming. Second, Noxus would focus its considerable magic talent into the League, allowing for a potentially greater degree of success in conflicts against the Demacians. To date, the endless war with Demacia has been just that – endless. The Noxian conflict with Demacia has, for the most part, surrogated itself into the Fields of Justice for considerably less cost in material and manpower. While its mortal foe has been able to relax some, Noxus has been able to relax considerably more without the iron fist of Demacia looming overhead.
Noxus is a city that resembles its inhabitants – dark and sinister. The foundation of the city was built into a granite mountain, and a fair portion of the city lies underground. Structures are built on top of and into the mountain itself. A tremendous man-made moat, filled with a witches’ brew of foul and putrid liquids, circumnavigates the city; the moat serves as an excellent means of cutting off access to Noxus through but a few key points, all of which are heavily guarded. At the top of the granite mountain resides the headquarters of the Noxian High Command; the building itself vaguely resembles a human skull from a distance. Beyond the huge city walls lie those Noxian denizens too poor (or too lucky) to live inside.
The subterranean city level of Noxus is almost as large as the top level, with numerous shops, taverns, and residences comprising the seedy underbelly of the notorious city-state. Noxus contains the largest network of dungeons anywhere on Runeterra, with numerous Noxian nobles claiming ownership over the various labyrinthine passages and subterranean rooms.
information come from http://euw.leagueoflegends.com
Season 3 World Championship heads to Los Angeles
Professional League of Legends teams have electrified live audiences throughout Season 3 in Anaheim, Cologne, Moscow, Dallas, Shanghai and beyond. With the worldwide finals on October 4 and the most talented competitors in esports preparing for the greatest challenge of the season, we need a championship venue that matches the occasion. With that in mind, we've selected the legendary Staples Center in Los Angeles to host the Season 3 World Championship final.
With the League Championship Series Summer Split already under way, a flurry of regional qualifying events on the horizon and the playoffs approaching, every game counts on the road to the World Championship final. The action reaches a boiling point in September, when fourteen elite teams from North America, Europe, Korea, China, Southeast Asia and one of the emerging League of Legends territories all meet at the Galen Center in Los Angeles for the playoffs. The top two earn the right to compete for the Summoner's Cup in front of thousands of cheering fans.
Esports action and news hits lolkey.com first. We'll share the format and exact dates for the playoffs there, as well as info on how to secure tickets and travel accommodations for both the playoffs and final. Catch all of that and HD livestreams of every game on the road to the World Championship final at lolkey.com.
information come from http://euw.leagueoflegends.com/
Celebrate esports with permanent summoner icons!
During the break we saw five new teams enter the LCS after winning their promotion series. With so much new blood in the LCS waters, the top teams continue to fight for every advantage as they move closer to the Season 3 World Championships.
In the spirit of this rising competition, you can show support for your favorite team by grabbing an official team logo Summoner Icon for any of the North American and European LCS teams in the Summer Split.
When we introduced these Summoner Icons on the PBE, we got a ton of insightful feedback. One thing everyone seemed to notice was that if you follow all teams equally, or if the idea of splitting allegiances makes you squirm, it was hard to collect all of the icons. As a result, we’re introducing new icon bundles that’ll help you pick up all of the Season 3 icons with fewer clicks.
Both of the EU and NA LCS bundles are 1600 RP each, which is 20% off the regular price for the 8 Summoner Icons included in the bundles. You can snag all 16 icons in the Summer Split Bundle for 3000 RP (25% off the regular 4000 RP price).
These icons are now available in the store until the end of the split for 250 RP, and are permanently added to your account. When you purchase a team icon, 20% of the price goes directly to that team as a bonus and the other 80% goes to support esports (prizes, salaries, events, streaming).
To show off your team pride, all Summoner Icons—including the new esports team icons—will be shown on the loading screen before each match.
These LCS team Summoner Icons will be available in the store until the end of the 2013 Summer Split, so support your favorite teams today!
information come from http://euw.leagueoflegends.com
Season 3 World Championship heads to Los Angeles
Professional League of Legends teams have electrified live audiences throughout Season 3 in Anaheim, Cologne, Moscow, Dallas, Shanghai and beyond. With the worldwide finals on October 4 and the most talented competitors in esports preparing for the greatest challenge of the season, we need a championship venue that matches the occasion. With that in mind, we've selected the legendary Staples Center in Los Angeles to host the Season 3 World Championship final.
With the League Championship Series Summer Split already under way, a flurry of regional qualifying events on the horizon and the playoffs approaching, every game counts on the road to the World Championship final. The action reaches a boiling point in September, when fourteen elite teams from North America, Europe, Korea, China, Southeast Asia and one of the emerging League of Legends territories all meet at the Galen Center in Los Angeles for the playoffs. The top two earn the right to compete for the Summoner's Cup in front of thousands of cheering fans.
information come from http://euw.leagueoflegends.com
The League of Legends
Until only twenty years ago, Runeterra was on a collision course with disaster. As quickly as Runeterra’s denizens would band together in ancient times as tribes, opposing tribes would war to settle their disputes. No matter the era, the preferred choice of warfare has always been magical. Armies would be enhanced or decimated by spell and rune alike. Champions made the most of magical items forged for them as they led or supported armies. Summoners – often the de facto leaders of Valoran’s political forces – would unleash mighty magical powers directly against foes and their holdings with little regard for consequence. With such an abundance of raw magical power at their disposal, there was little motivation for summoners to explore more environmentally-friendly forms of warfare.
Within the last two hundred years, however, the dangers of unchecked magical warfare began to expose the fragility of Runeterra to everyone residing in Valoran. The last two Rune Wars drastically altered the geophysical landscape of Valoran, even after magical energy was focused on restoring it. Violent earthquakes and horrific magically-fueled storms made life on Valoran challenging, even before factoring in the horror of warfare on the populace. It was theorized that another unchecked Rune War would tear the world asunder.
As a direct response to the world’s growing physical and political instability, Valoran’s key magicians – including many powerful summoners – came to the conclusion that conflicts needed to be resolved in a controllable and systemic way. They formed an organization called the League of Legends, whose purpose was to oversee the orderly resolution of political conflict in Valoran. Housed in the Institute of War, the League would be given the authority by Valoran’s political entities to govern the outcomes of the organized conflict they would administer.
The Institute of War
The League resolved that all major political conflict would be settled through the use of specially prepared arenas strategically located throughout Valoran. Summoners representing a particular political allegiance would each call forth a champion; the champions, leading mindless minions generated by novice summoners manipulating a nexus, would fight to achieve the objective of the arena they were in. The most common victory condition of a battle arena would be to destroy the opposing faction’s nexus. These arenas are collectively referred to as the Fields of Justice.
While all major political conflicts were being funneled through the League of Legends, physical conflicts between warring political entities were not completely eliminated. For example – the strategic choice of the League to build the Institute of War directly between the constantly warring city-states of Demacia and Noxus stopped almost all direct confrontation between them, though military skirmishes continue to break out. Instead, the warlike Noxian High Command has turned its ambitions of conquest offshore. Even still, all political entities abide by the governance of the League of Legends. No wise regent would be foolish enough to rail against a vast cabal of immensely powerful magicians, summoners, and champions.
The fights in the various Fields of Justice over which the League presides are not only of great political interest to Valoran, but also of great social interest. The League magically transmits the sights and sounds of the action as it unfolds to specially built arcane receivers located in key settlements throughout Valoran. Watching a fight in a Field of Justice is one of the more popular entertainment activities Valoran’s denizens engage in.
The League of Justice is supervised by a council of three powerful summoners, known as the High Council of Equity. Each summoner has been on the Council of Equity since the inception of the League of Legends except for its newest High Councilor, Heywan Relivash; High Councilor Relivash’s ascension took place five years ago after the mysterious disappearance of the previous High Councilor, Reginald Ashram. The Council of Equity is responsible not only for the leadership and guidance of the League, but also to act as the highest court of appeal for adjudication of Valoran’s political entities.
The structure of the League is focused around internal organizations that lead their various goals. Each city-state is assigned an Emissary of the League – a diplomat who serves as an on-location political representative to enact the will of the League. The Adjudicators are the arbiters assigned to a given match in the Fields of Justice. The Council is the body of high-ranking summoners which rules over political outcomes once a battle arena match has been resolved.
information come from http://na.leagueoflegends.com
Let's play around, or do you already have a good hybrid build?
1) Introduction
2) Hybrid items
3) Possible Build?
4) Quotes and Ideas
1) It's kind of sad, that this character who has ...
-3 Magic Damge abilities
-An ADC Passive
-A quite hybrid spell: Mystic Shot (Adc: Crits, Hybrid: Trinity, Ap: Lichbane).
... has recommended Adc items... And yes, I know ADC is viable, but this thread is not about that1AAK}D)I5.tmp)
So I tried to play him as hybrid sometimes, only tried...
(Of course I know him as ADC and AP)
Well let's bring up some builds just for the Sake of trying and testing. So this is more fun but perhaps leads to some thing interesting.
2) To make it easier here are a bunch of Hybrid items:
Guinsos Blade (Very Hybrid)
Hextech Gunblade (Very Hybrid)
IceBorn Gauntlet (Neutral bonus damage)
Trinity Force (Neutral bonus damage, but more towards Adc)
##AP - but supports auto attack:
Nashor's Tooth (Ap + Attackspeed, Attackspeed helps with being hybrid)
Death Fire's Grasp (Ap, Cd, Neutral Bonus Damage).
##ADC - but supports sustained damage:
Frostmallet <- Edit: i read this isn't used alot, rather IceBorn Gauntlet for the area slow.
##By the way: You can build a hybrid [Manamune + Seraph's Embrace] 2000 Bonus Mana.
Seraph's Embrace (Requires a very early risky Tear of Goddess however.)
3) Brainstorm Build:
##Core items
Boots (Which?)
Trinity Force (Maybe get Zeal little later, or you need the movement speed)
Hextech Gunblade
Guinsoos Blade
-Well of course situationals like some MR
##Situational: (team needs more Adc, or AP, or both)
Adc: Manamune
Adc: Frost Mallet
# or
AP: Nashor's Tooth
AP: Frost Mallet
# or
Funny Build: Mana mune (of course of these has to be build up very early in the game)
Funny Build: Serpah's Embrace (of course of these has to be build up very early in the game)
4) Quotes and Ideas from searching for the subject:
Everything when building hybrid ez is situational. Gunblade is good often, shiv is good, void staff, gauntlet, lich bane, muramana/seraphs, cdr boots/sorcerers boots, bloodthirster, blade of the ruined king.
I've done gunblade bloodthirster, deathcap, lich bane, void staff, cdr boots and i've compensated for the lack of attack speed by fully using my passive. was okay, but with the recent nerfs to ap ez hes a lot harder to play with a heavy ap build.
Build: Sheen -> Ionian Boots -> Gunblade -> Bloothirster -> Rabadon's Deathcap -> (Sheen
Lich Bane -> Void Staff. ???
Comparison Rabadon - Seraph's Embrace
Serpahs Embrace together with Manamune gives about: 150 (60 AP + 90 AP [3000 Mana, 3% = 90]) Ap + 50 AD (passive to manamune, 5% from 1000) and a Manashield, Cost: 2700
Rabadons Deathcap gives: (here from Lichblade and Gunblade) 120 AP + 50 AP = 170 AP
suing the FUN-COMBO (Seraph + Manamune) Seraph's Embrace wins. However it comes with the usual disadvantage of being quite weak when building up...
Similiar but using the FUN-COMBO: Tear of Goddess -> Ionian Boots -> Manamune -> Gunblade -> Sheen -> Tear of Godess -> Archangels Staff (later Seraph) -> Voidstaff <-> Lichbane
Idk hybrid TF is pretty legit but I'd prob never take it into competitive play unless I tested it alot.
Muramana > Gunblade/Triforce is as hybrid as you should ever go.
Well, as some dudes said, it's situational. And that's the strength of a hybrid. He can Burst and also Sustain, but on Ezreal? Perhaps not viable, but maybe at least something for not important games
1) Introduction
2) Hybrid items
3) Possible Build?
4) Quotes and Ideas
1) It's kind of sad, that this character who has ...
-3 Magic Damge abilities
-An ADC Passive
-A quite hybrid spell: Mystic Shot (Adc: Crits, Hybrid: Trinity, Ap: Lichbane).
... has recommended Adc items... And yes, I know ADC is viable, but this thread is not about that
So I tried to play him as hybrid sometimes, only tried...
(Of course I know him as ADC and AP)
Well let's bring up some builds just for the Sake of trying and testing. So this is more fun but perhaps leads to some thing interesting.
2) To make it easier here are a bunch of Hybrid items:
Guinsos Blade (Very Hybrid)
Hextech Gunblade (Very Hybrid)
IceBorn Gauntlet (Neutral bonus damage)
Trinity Force (Neutral bonus damage, but more towards Adc)
##AP - but supports auto attack:
Nashor's Tooth (Ap + Attackspeed, Attackspeed helps with being hybrid)
Death Fire's Grasp (Ap, Cd, Neutral Bonus Damage).
##ADC - but supports sustained damage:
Frostmallet <- Edit: i read this isn't used alot, rather IceBorn Gauntlet for the area slow.
##By the way: You can build a hybrid [Manamune + Seraph's Embrace] 2000 Bonus Mana.
Seraph's Embrace (Requires a very early risky Tear of Goddess however.)
3) Brainstorm Build:
##Core items
Boots (Which?)
Trinity Force (Maybe get Zeal little later, or you need the movement speed)
Hextech Gunblade
Guinsoos Blade
-Well of course situationals like some MR
##Situational: (team needs more Adc, or AP, or both)
Adc: Manamune
Adc: Frost Mallet
# or
AP: Nashor's Tooth
AP: Frost Mallet
# or
Funny Build: Mana mune (of course of these has to be build up very early in the game)
Funny Build: Serpah's Embrace (of course of these has to be build up very early in the game)
4) Quotes and Ideas from searching for the subject:
Everything when building hybrid ez is situational. Gunblade is good often, shiv is good, void staff, gauntlet, lich bane, muramana/seraphs, cdr boots/sorcerers boots, bloodthirster, blade of the ruined king.
I've done gunblade bloodthirster, deathcap, lich bane, void staff, cdr boots and i've compensated for the lack of attack speed by fully using my passive. was okay, but with the recent nerfs to ap ez hes a lot harder to play with a heavy ap build.
Build: Sheen -> Ionian Boots -> Gunblade -> Bloothirster -> Rabadon's Deathcap -> (Sheen

Comparison Rabadon - Seraph's Embrace
Serpahs Embrace together with Manamune gives about: 150 (60 AP + 90 AP [3000 Mana, 3% = 90]) Ap + 50 AD (passive to manamune, 5% from 1000) and a Manashield, Cost: 2700
Rabadons Deathcap gives: (here from Lichblade and Gunblade) 120 AP + 50 AP = 170 AP
suing the FUN-COMBO (Seraph + Manamune) Seraph's Embrace wins. However it comes with the usual disadvantage of being quite weak when building up...
Similiar but using the FUN-COMBO: Tear of Goddess -> Ionian Boots -> Manamune -> Gunblade -> Sheen -> Tear of Godess -> Archangels Staff (later Seraph) -> Voidstaff <-> Lichbane
Idk hybrid TF is pretty legit but I'd prob never take it into competitive play unless I tested it alot.
Muramana > Gunblade/Triforce is as hybrid as you should ever go.
Well, as some dudes said, it's situational. And that's the strength of a hybrid. He can Burst and also Sustain, but on Ezreal? Perhaps not viable, but maybe at least something for not important games
information come from http://euw.leagueoflegends.com
Shadows and Reflections
When we took up these weapons, we accepted our mission with pride. Rid Runeterra of evil, they told us. Slay the corrupt. Send the filth of the world crawling back to the hole it crawled out of. Not just anyone can wield these weapons. You need a pure heart. A fearless mind. An inner light that outshines all the darkness in the world. Once I had that light. Now I'm not so sure.
Everything changed. We knew our mission was greater than ourselves. The enemy was not who we fought, but what we fought. Evil. The Shadow Isles? Just another mess to clean up, just a bunch of ghosts. They were abominations, but nothing we hadn't put in the ground before. Until the day we faced him. Until the day he ripped her from my life.
Now my enemy has a name. She wouldn't want me to come after her—she knew the risks. But I can't forget her. I won't forget her. I'll hunt down the bastard who took her from me and send him straight to the grave.
Twice, if I have to.
information come from http://euw.leagueoflegends.com
New flexible cost bundles and retiring skins
Craving something new at champ select? Get fed on these limited time bundles. They're flexible in cost, meaning the final bundle price will automatically adjust to reflect only what's new to your collection.
Pentakill Bundle – 50% off – 4650 2325 RP (4345 RP if you need the champions)
The biggest band on Runeterra is going on tour and ticket prices have just been slashed. Olaf rejects rumors that the band has sold out, saying everything they do is “strictly for the fans, man.”
o Skins included:
1. Pentakill Karthus
2. Pentakill Mordekaiser
3. Pentakill Olaf
4. Pentakill Sona
5. Pentakill Yorick
o Champions included:
1. Karthus
2. Mordekaiser
3. Olaf
4. Sona
5. Yorick
Ranged Rovers – 25% off – 4780 3585 RP
Is your AD champ pool more kiddie than Olympic? Snag this bundle to ensure your opponents are always in over their heads.
o Champions
1. Quinn
2. Draven
3. Varus
4. Graves
5. Vayne
Pretty in Pink – 40% off – 3445 2067 RP (4116 RP with champions included)
Pink isn't only for yordles and wards, just ask Taric and his outrageous fuzzy pink boots.
o Skins included:
1. Sewn Chaos Orianna
2. Bittersweet Lulu
3. Dynasty Ahri
4. Armor of the Fifth Age Taric
o Champions included:
1. Orianna
2. Lulu
3. Ahri
4. Taric
Good Night, Sweet Skins Bundle – 3740 935 RP (3000 RP with champions included)
We've bundled up a group of skins for one last hurrah before they head into the legacy vault. These skins are only available until 7:59 AM UK Time on July 17, after which they'll be removed from the store. Get them while you can! The champions themselves will of course fight on in the Fields of Justice.
o Skins included (75% off):
1. Caterpillar Kog'Maw
2. Sailor Gangplank
3. Hextech Galio
4. Muse Sona
5. Molten Rammus
o Champions included (50% off):
1. Kog'Maw
2. Gangplank
3. Galio
4. Sona
5. Rammus
Grab these bundles before the sale ends on July 17 at 7:59 AM UK Time!
information come from:http://euw.leagueoflegends.com
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