1) Introduction
2) Hybrid items
3) Possible Build?
4) Quotes and Ideas
1) It's kind of sad, that this character who has ...
-3 Magic Damge abilities
-An ADC Passive
-A quite hybrid spell: Mystic Shot (Adc: Crits, Hybrid: Trinity, Ap: Lichbane).
... has recommended Adc items... And yes, I know ADC is viable, but this thread is not about that
So I tried to play him as hybrid sometimes, only tried...
(Of course I know him as ADC and AP)
Well let's bring up some builds just for the Sake of trying and testing. So this is more fun but perhaps leads to some thing interesting.
2) To make it easier here are a bunch of Hybrid items:
Guinsos Blade (Very Hybrid)
Hextech Gunblade (Very Hybrid)
IceBorn Gauntlet (Neutral bonus damage)
Trinity Force (Neutral bonus damage, but more towards Adc)
##AP - but supports auto attack:
Nashor's Tooth (Ap + Attackspeed, Attackspeed helps with being hybrid)
Death Fire's Grasp (Ap, Cd, Neutral Bonus Damage).
##ADC - but supports sustained damage:
Frostmallet <- Edit: i read this isn't used alot, rather IceBorn Gauntlet for the area slow.
##By the way: You can build a hybrid [Manamune + Seraph's Embrace] 2000 Bonus Mana.
Seraph's Embrace (Requires a very early risky Tear of Goddess however.)
3) Brainstorm Build:
##Core items
Boots (Which?)
Trinity Force (Maybe get Zeal little later, or you need the movement speed)
Hextech Gunblade
Guinsoos Blade
-Well of course situationals like some MR
##Situational: (team needs more Adc, or AP, or both)
Adc: Manamune
Adc: Frost Mallet
# or
AP: Nashor's Tooth
AP: Frost Mallet
# or
Funny Build: Mana mune (of course of these has to be build up very early in the game)
Funny Build: Serpah's Embrace (of course of these has to be build up very early in the game)
4) Quotes and Ideas from searching for the subject:
Everything when building hybrid ez is situational. Gunblade is good often, shiv is good, void staff, gauntlet, lich bane, muramana/seraphs, cdr boots/sorcerers boots, bloodthirster, blade of the ruined king.
I've done gunblade bloodthirster, deathcap, lich bane, void staff, cdr boots and i've compensated for the lack of attack speed by fully using my passive. was okay, but with the recent nerfs to ap ez hes a lot harder to play with a heavy ap build.
Build: Sheen -> Ionian Boots -> Gunblade -> Bloothirster -> Rabadon's Deathcap -> (Sheen Lich Bane -> Void Staff. ???
Comparison Rabadon - Seraph's Embrace
Serpahs Embrace together with Manamune gives about: 150 (60 AP + 90 AP [3000 Mana, 3% = 90]) Ap + 50 AD (passive to manamune, 5% from 1000) and a Manashield, Cost: 2700
Rabadons Deathcap gives: (here from Lichblade and Gunblade) 120 AP + 50 AP = 170 AP
suing the FUN-COMBO (Seraph + Manamune) Seraph's Embrace wins. However it comes with the usual disadvantage of being quite weak when building up...
Similiar but using the FUN-COMBO: Tear of Goddess -> Ionian Boots -> Manamune -> Gunblade -> Sheen -> Tear of Godess -> Archangels Staff (later Seraph) -> Voidstaff <-> Lichbane
Idk hybrid TF is pretty legit but I'd prob never take it into competitive play unless I tested it alot.
Muramana > Gunblade/Triforce is as hybrid as you should ever go.
Well, as some dudes said, it's situational. And that's the strength of a hybrid. He can Burst and also Sustain, but on Ezreal? Perhaps not viable, but maybe at least something for not important games
1) Introduction
2) Hybrid items
3) Possible Build?
4) Quotes and Ideas
1) It's kind of sad, that this character who has ...
-3 Magic Damge abilities
-An ADC Passive
-A quite hybrid spell: Mystic Shot (Adc: Crits, Hybrid: Trinity, Ap: Lichbane).
... has recommended Adc items... And yes, I know ADC is viable, but this thread is not about that
So I tried to play him as hybrid sometimes, only tried...
(Of course I know him as ADC and AP)
Well let's bring up some builds just for the Sake of trying and testing. So this is more fun but perhaps leads to some thing interesting.
2) To make it easier here are a bunch of Hybrid items:
Guinsos Blade (Very Hybrid)
Hextech Gunblade (Very Hybrid)
IceBorn Gauntlet (Neutral bonus damage)
Trinity Force (Neutral bonus damage, but more towards Adc)
##AP - but supports auto attack:
Nashor's Tooth (Ap + Attackspeed, Attackspeed helps with being hybrid)
Death Fire's Grasp (Ap, Cd, Neutral Bonus Damage).
##ADC - but supports sustained damage:
Frostmallet <- Edit: i read this isn't used alot, rather IceBorn Gauntlet for the area slow.
##By the way: You can build a hybrid [Manamune + Seraph's Embrace] 2000 Bonus Mana.
Seraph's Embrace (Requires a very early risky Tear of Goddess however.)
3) Brainstorm Build:
##Core items
Boots (Which?)
Trinity Force (Maybe get Zeal little later, or you need the movement speed)
Hextech Gunblade
Guinsoos Blade
-Well of course situationals like some MR
##Situational: (team needs more Adc, or AP, or both)
Adc: Manamune
Adc: Frost Mallet
# or
AP: Nashor's Tooth
AP: Frost Mallet
# or
Funny Build: Mana mune (of course of these has to be build up very early in the game)
Funny Build: Serpah's Embrace (of course of these has to be build up very early in the game)
4) Quotes and Ideas from searching for the subject:
Everything when building hybrid ez is situational. Gunblade is good often, shiv is good, void staff, gauntlet, lich bane, muramana/seraphs, cdr boots/sorcerers boots, bloodthirster, blade of the ruined king.
I've done gunblade bloodthirster, deathcap, lich bane, void staff, cdr boots and i've compensated for the lack of attack speed by fully using my passive. was okay, but with the recent nerfs to ap ez hes a lot harder to play with a heavy ap build.
Build: Sheen -> Ionian Boots -> Gunblade -> Bloothirster -> Rabadon's Deathcap -> (Sheen Lich Bane -> Void Staff. ???
Comparison Rabadon - Seraph's Embrace
Serpahs Embrace together with Manamune gives about: 150 (60 AP + 90 AP [3000 Mana, 3% = 90]) Ap + 50 AD (passive to manamune, 5% from 1000) and a Manashield, Cost: 2700
Rabadons Deathcap gives: (here from Lichblade and Gunblade) 120 AP + 50 AP = 170 AP
suing the FUN-COMBO (Seraph + Manamune) Seraph's Embrace wins. However it comes with the usual disadvantage of being quite weak when building up...
Similiar but using the FUN-COMBO: Tear of Goddess -> Ionian Boots -> Manamune -> Gunblade -> Sheen -> Tear of Godess -> Archangels Staff (later Seraph) -> Voidstaff <-> Lichbane
Idk hybrid TF is pretty legit but I'd prob never take it into competitive play unless I tested it alot.
Muramana > Gunblade/Triforce is as hybrid as you should ever go.
Well, as some dudes said, it's situational. And that's the strength of a hybrid. He can Burst and also Sustain, but on Ezreal? Perhaps not viable, but maybe at least something for not important games
information come from
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